It is an odd day, a rare day.
Can you remember the last time May 5th landed on a Tuesday?
May 5 is the 125th day of the year (126th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar.
The year was 2015 (According to WikiPedia).
April seemed years long this year, and March as well for that matter. Didn't have to decide on where to eat for Valentine's day. Missed out on St. Patrick's day festivities with friends. The only bright spot was the dreaded tax day, April 15th, has been moved to July.
We've reached the mid-point of spring for us in the Northern Hemisphere. 240 days left of 2020.
We are just glad to be working still. Things have really slowed down though. (Spring cleaning has commenced!) Did you know in almost 35 years of business, we have never had to lay off people? We've definitely had some slim years, and a few losing years.
You could say that we just love to sell metal, and that we care about our small family of employees.
Send us your requirements - please. Our general sales email has been upgraded to route you to the correct person, just drop a line to
Topics: holidays
Found this gem (see FDA letter below) in a pile of paper materials to be shredded. It is important to note that reducing metal contamination to food is an important goal.
Nobody wants steel shavings in their cornflakes!
Topics: cobalt 6B, stellite 6b
Topics: NACE Corrosion 2020
Are you searching for materials that have better properties?
Need a custom chemical composition?
HPAlloys can help! Through one on our trusted melt shops, we are able to offer melts from 50 lbs to 500 lbs. Vacuum cast virgin material created by one of the leading custom melt shops in the USA.
Topics: grain refinement
With the advent of email, the usage of (the commerce changing) facsimile machine has diminished.
Topics: Packaging
INCOLOY® alloy 27-7MO (UNS S31277; EP 1,263,999 B1) is an advanced 7% molybdenum super-austenitic stainless steel offering corrosion resistance in most environments superior to 6% molybdenum super-austenitic stainless steels.
Topics: INCOLOY 27-7Mo
While I cannot say that it is a common occurrence, I wanted to write this to let our viewers know of it's existence, how it happens and how to reduce the possibility.
Topics: banking safety