High Performance Alloys

When the going gets tough

Written by Jeff Kirchner | Oct 20, 2022 1:17:10 PM

The old saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." It's true and still applicable today.

Originally it was part of the 'American Way', a culture of 'Giving it the old college try' and 'Never quit'. I could go on and on about culture and how things have changed. Today I am taking these words in another way. It is good to look at something from another perspective, and I hope that you'll follow along for a bit to see where I am going with this.

I'm sure you have heard of #QuietQuitting. Not engaged in their work.  Basically people shutting down, not doing what they should, and giving up. This feeling of hopelessness can and should be reversed. It's not terribly difficult to break the monotony of a typical day. My favorite work days were high-fiving going out the door and knowing we all did our best.

I used to coach youth baseball, so building teams that are successful is just part of me now.

Why is this part of a company blog? Well I feel that we are on a team - of sorts. Without our valued clients, we could not continue what we are doing. Without your team working as well as it can, we all could potentially suffer.

Want to eliminate losing your work friend to another job? Keep note and tell your co-worker that you notice any extra effort or appreciate the 'assist' if helping you. Use your words. Tell people when you are happy with something. They are more likely to do it again if recognized. It's nice to be acknowledged. More than that, it is an affirmation of their efforts. The occasional 'KUDOS' or 'attaboy' can really help to improve morale, pick up spirits and make the day go faster.

Feeling needed or wanted as an employee helps to weather the storms or rough times, and I do not see it getting any easier anytime soon. 

"Employees want to feel like more than just a warm body - they want recognition and they want to be valued. Lots of people want to enjoy their job and not just get a paycheck."

A recent related article by Gallup lists 10 ways for Leadership to improve Engagement and Wellbeing.


So that's my thought of the day. I hope it helps put a positive perspective into your day, even if it's only words. #Smile someone cares